Monday, June 04, 2007

Down In All States Except Arizona...

Housing prices are flat, but that's definitely a plus,
from the Arizona Republic, reports that California, Nevada, Florida and
Arizona led the nation for housing price jumps a few years ago during the
boom. Now, home prices are down in all the states except Arizona. According
to figures released last week by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight, during the first quarter of 2007, appreciation fell 0.84 percent
in California, 0.34 percent in Florida and 0.52 percent in Nevada. Arizona
showed a 0.13 percent gain for the first quarter. Home prices fell in 22 of
the 26 California cities ranked by the federal agency. In Florida,
appreciation was down in 13 of the 18 cities. Based on the drops in these
other cities, our flat appreciation rate looks pretty good.


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