Sunday, April 29, 2007

Arizona Endless Opportunities...

Arizona endless opportunities, from Foreign Direct
Investment Magazine, has a glowing report on the business environment in
Arizona. It notes that Entrepreneur Magazine ranked Arizona number 1 for
starting or growing a business, and that Chief Executive Magazine ranked the
state the fourth most desirable state for corporations. It notes that
Arizona is an ideal base for companies that need to reach out to the world,
and that more than 100 foreign-owned companies have operations in Arizona.
The article breaks the state into three areas and speaks about each areas
growth. For the metro Phoenix area, the article states that Phoenix is one
of the fastest growing regions of the nation, with Greater Phoenix growing
from its current 3.7 million population to 5.9 million by 2030. This
tremendous growth drives the creation of quality jobs and additional
investment, attracting companies in key industries including
aerospace/defense, next-generation electronics, sustainable industries, life
sciences and information and communication technology. It mentions Williams
Gateway Airport as a developing business center. This is a very positive
article that shows that we have all the elements in place to continue to
grow and be one of the best market areas in the country.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Valley's Population Leaps by 24%...

Valley's population leaps by 24% in 6-year period, from
the Arizona Republic, reports that the Valley grew by 787,306 people from
April 2000 to July 2006, the fourth-largest gain for a metropolitan area in
the U.S. during that time, according to new Census data released yesterday.
That equals a 24% gain, and makes the Valley the 13th largest metropolitan
area in the nation with more than 4 million residents, up from 14th in 2005.
The Atlanta area led the U.S. in population growth from 2000 to 2006,
followed by Dallas and Houston. The 50 metro areas with the largest
percentage increases were all located in the West and South.